Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Do Platypuses Have Testicles

Dies Natalis Solis Invicti

The ancient Romans celebrated the joyous December 25th Dies Natalis, that is the birthday of Bacchus, the Invincible Sun, Mithras and other gods of the sun.
Christians of the first four centuries, however, celebrated the birth of Jesus (later became their God), Jan. 6.
Only several centuries later (between 337 and 450 AD), to supplant those of the solar festivals, the Christians moved to December 25 also the birth of their God to take possession of the meaning of Christmas much older politicians who had Christmas, the solstice and the return of the light of the December 25, the birth of Dionysus-Bacchus, the invincible sun, Helios, Mithras.
who do not recognize in the Christian tradition, So do not feel out of place during the holiday season, but also celebrate, with family and friends and the entire Italian community and Western celebrations of the return of light, recognizing them as their own, as a secular or pagan as with all rights of priority over Christian appropriation. Party lay claim as the return of longer days of light, good reason to celebrate.
And in the face to Christians who raise the banner of conservatism, we claim the authentic traditions native to their Roman past and their distorted.
And even the Christmas tree has nothing originally a Christian! The tradition of celebrating trees were typically pagan and harshly condemned already in the Bible. The fir tree then (ex-Roman) is a Nordic tradition, made his usual late by Christians And then more recently "laicizzatasi" almost entirely in general understanding.
Lay react to religious rhetoric but NOT estranged from their own community ', but proudly claiming their roots in tolerance and freedom of thought of the times "pagans."
If we consider (as do even the neo-pagans) that paganism was not a religion but a tolerant attitude towards all modes of thinking and all the traditions, we have no difficulty in preserving our secularism regained full the folklore of joyful our deepest roots.
December 25 Christmas: the day of the rebirth of light: a date is certainly important, as it seems has given birth to many gods!
1. Dionysus or Bacchus, or Free, god of wine and the joy of the orgies of Greece and Rome. There are many similarities between the mysteries of Dionysus (known for 13 centuries before Christ) and the "Christian myth": Dionysus (man who became a god), was revered as a "liberating god" (death) perchéuna descended to the dead time but after several days returned to Earth. It is this ability of resurrection offered its followers the hope of an afterlife through his divine intervention. Also to be admitted to the Dionysian cult was necessary to be baptized, entered the temple and subjected to strict fasting. Another similarity between the cult of Dionysus and that of Jesus is much later in the ritual that involved the 'omofagia (consumption of flesh and blood of an animal, identified with Dionysus himself) as a sign of mystical union with his body and his blood. Dionysus was also closely connected with the life cycles of nature which were tied to the concept of resurrection (spring) and death (fall) as a manifestation of his death and resurrection of the god. Even the symbols of Dionysus: the vine, pomegranate perfectly match the ram (screw and pomegranate) or approximately (Ram - lamb) to the symbols given by Christians to Jesus'. Robert Graves wrote in Greek Myths: "... Dionysus, also known as" the one who is born twice, "once said his cult throughout the world, ascended to heaven and now sits at the right hand of Zeus as one of the Big Twelve"
In addition to Dion, among those born to the winter solstice, there are also;
2. Hercules (Eracles born on 21/12 for the Greeks, but the 1 / 2 to the Romans)
3. Sol Invictus indigete god that is among the deities of the Roman origins more 'old, received more cycles of civilization that is far away' from the Indo-European tradition, identified with Mithra and then even with the Syrian sun god Elio Gabal
4. Elio Gabal (or El Gabal) which became a high priest of the same name (bad) emperor for a short time.
5. Mithras was born in a cave (a rock), under the eyes of the shepherds who worshiped the cult of the military in Rome and then spread to all corners of the empire from the legions (and different from the number 6 Mithra of Persia)
6. Mithra of Persia, born of a virgin, died and rose again (it seems after three days), and different again from no. 7
7. Mitra Indian god of light and day.
Then, still born with the elongation of the daylight hours are still missing:
8. Adonis (or Adonis) of Syria, and perhaps also its corresponding Phrygia,
9. Attys (born of a virgin, died as a sacrifice, and that also resurrects the 25 / 3 at even date, as well as the meaning of the rebirth of vegetation, with the period of Easter) and besides
10. Atargatis in Syria, a great mother goddess, goddess of nature and its rebirth, also called the Roman goddess Derketo and Syria (his feast is on 25 December, almost with certainty as the date of birth).
11. Kybele (or Cybele) goddess of Phrygia, beloved by Adonis (December 25 was celebrated along with Adonis, but that this was regarded as the birth date in this case is uncertain, it is only alleged).
12. Astarte (or Asteroth) Phoenicia, supreme goddess and goddess of fertility and love. Revered by King Solomon in Jerusalem (his feast is on 25 December, almost with certainty as the date of birth). Although it fell into hell and resources.
13. Shamash, the Babylonian sun god Shamash and the Near East, and
14. Dumuzi (aka Tammuz in Babylon), the Sumerian god Dumuzi (aka Tammuz in Babylon) whose periodic death ritual (corresponding to that of Adonis) plant was also to Jewish women (Ezekiel VIII, 14).
15. Baal - Marduk, the supreme god of the Babylonian pantheon.
16. Osiris Egyptian supreme god of death and rebirth of vegetation, and by extension the rebirth of man. The resurrection is the central theme of the Trinity Egyptian myth of Osiris, Isis and Horus from which it seems their inspiration has been taken for later resurrection famous in Jewish circles. Even with winter Osiris dies and is reborn in spring.
17. Horus, the solar falcon god, son of Osiris and Isis, which was a popular triad (along with many other triads of the immensely popular throughout the Mediterranean) was inspired by the unofficial Christian trinity of God the Father, Mary and baby Jesus ', Journal of the Trinity and the group', which excludes the feminine. His birth was celebrated on December 26
18. Ra, the sun god Helios in Egyptian correspondent, whose birth was celebrated Dec. 29 in the city-temple at Heliopolis named after him in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cairo.
19. Krishna, (currently the most important god in India) that initially appears in the sacred text Mahabarata reincarnated as the father god Vishnu as a heroic man or god, and finally reveals himself as God. He had come to regain the world from demons. (Have you noticed any parallels?). Finally dies Krisna killed (by an arrow, not on the cross), but, rest assured, reborn, too. Among other things, he like Santa Claus brings gifts in the middle of the night! 20-Shin
in China Within the European North of births to the solstice are two
21. Baldur and
22. Freyr the son of Odin in Scandinavia,
23. Joshua Ben Joseph (Jesus said, 'Jesus' child, Nazareno [or Nazarite], Galileo, Christ = anointed, the Messiah and the Savior), which comes last in the series proper scope of the Eastern Mediterranean and Indo-Iranian. But some
Zarathustra also join the list on Media and the Indian Buddha Within
pre Colombian American Center include:
24. Bacab god of the Mayas of Yucatan (Mexico, Guatemala and current South East), and besides
25. Huitzilopochtli and 26. Quetzocatl both the central Mexican Aztec
not only Jesus but many other heroes and demigods descended into hell and from there 'returned: (a total of six are listed as among those born at the winter solstice, Dionysus, Adonis, Attis, Tammuz, Baal-Marduk, Osiris.
(Then separately we counted at least 10 others among those born in other periods or that you do not know the date: Theseus, Orpheus, Aeneas, Zagreus, Sabazio, Apollonius of Tyana, Chuchulain, Gwydion, Amathaon, Danish Ogier, but the list is certainly incomplete in many other characters before or contemporary with Jesus Christ.)
Some of these 26 have died around the spring equinox (which is the period of Easter) and resurrected after a few days, sometimes just after 3 days, as Jesus (but god Baldur, perhaps more lazy, has risen after forty days).
Some of these, (it looks like half a dozen, most of those from Eastern 6. 15.) was attributed by the followers of the virgin birth (as it is given birth by a virgin not even the god Buddha.
Even Buddha, like Jesus, was deified by some of his followers in sharp contrast with teaching that did not justify anything like that.


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