Sunday, December 27, 2009

Eee Pc Camera Not Working

In defense of Christmas

A year ago, Forza Nuova Cremona Cremona invites families to reflect on what for us are the core values \u200b\u200bof our society: identity, sense of belonging and respect for tradition.

In light of the events of recent times FN now calls on the same families of indignation to a common FN holds especially major initiative launched by several teachers at the elementary school "Manzoni" in Cremona, thanks to which the feast of Christmas will be replaced by a substitute called pseudo multicultural festival of lights. FN considers the aforementioned teachers absolutely inadequate to fill the role of educators to the younger generation and strongly condemns any moves to the cancellation of our identity values.

FN is certain that the future of our society is not one based on all and sundry, the nihilism and secularism forced, all too often passed off as a gesture of respect towards those who have different beliefs from ours.


Fluorescent Socks 80's

There will also pay the air? EVENTS

In recent days, the Berlusconi government approved a decree that provides for the privatization of public water. This is a serious measure that gives to multinationals and speculators a common good is essential for the very life of the people.
Among other things in common (such as, for example, in the province of Latina Aprilia), where water privatization has already been implemented for some years, there has been an increase in inefficiency and in particular a dramatic increase in rates charged to citizens.
According to the calculations of all the major consumer groups, the Codacons to Federconsumatori, with the privatization of water supply will end up paying for water from 30% to 40% more than now.
If in 2009 an average Italian family will spend € 268, with an average annual consumption of 200 cubic meters of water in 3 years that same family will spend on average € 348 a year, an increase of 80 €!
will be determined that an increase in the cost of services generated by the need for individuals to provide an activity that is profitable for them. We citizens, in short, we will end up paying not only the cost of water, but the profit of the private water systems.
This is unacceptable, it must stop now ... or later the water will eventually want to privatize the air we breathe!

WATER 'RIGHT AND GOOD FOR ALL, not a commodity on which to speculate!