With this news the New Forces MANTOVA want to show solidarity to all workers of Visano ROTHE-ERDE-BS (a group that is headed by the German multinational THYSSEN-Kroupa), which in the day Tuesday, 17/11/2009 have been "seized" for twenty hours in the factory for about one hundred fifty people suspected to be caused to the area of \u200b\u200bthe radical left.
It is true that the company is in trouble, no longer able to guarantee the job for about fifty people, and that four weeks of the corporate delegates FIOM-CGIL are carrying out an indefinite general strike, not allowing for the fact of workers and employees commuting to work by blocking the production and putting at risk other one hundred and fifty jobs (as evidenced by the letter published by this newspaper sig.Domenico Wednesday, 10/11/2009 signed by the employee of the establishment in question).
We wonder, however, if such initiatives are what workers need to demand their rights (forgotten by many ...), because the causes of "unexpected" global crisis that has affected our country, As we know, can not be attributed to Operario who have managed to maintain their jobs but rather political choices are much more serious, such as globalization, free market liberalism and unbridled result of a weak political class.
Pezzaioli Mauro.
Forza Nuova Mantua.